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Ole blue update on Rose
- Subject: Ole blue update on Rose
- From: sukchew at cox-internet.com (Chuck Blue)
- Date: Sat Jan 14 12:55:18 2006
After the 5th gear went out in Aug ( just after I told Sue that I was just about done with the car) its been fix it city.I installed the ACN trans (5th gear went south on the FF)with the flanges/ HD springs, Clutch disk that slipped,head gasket that leaked,coolant hose that split,a new innovate W B 02 controller, a XD-1 afr display,100mm cv joints.I forget what else.
After the cylinder head was off and on for the 4th time,I finally assembled it dry with only the silver paint between the cylinder head shim and the head.Test run revealed that the new Kevlar clutch slipped ,no 02 voltage to the megasquirt, but at least no more oil leak from the head gasket.
I pulled the trans after ordering a Sachs sport pressure plate.I thought no problem,I'll just mess with the 02 voltages later.It was probably just a programing screw up when I set up the W B controller. It is now The 1st of Nov.the Car is in the shop in pieces and I proceeded to pass out while driving down the hiway in my work van.(Not Good).Time out for a trip to the hospital and had a pacemaker installed.Most scirocco repair work was delayed untill after the holidays.
I inspected the Kevlar disk and discovered that it wasn't seated in. It was only contacting the high places on the friction surface after being driven for about 50 miles. I modified the cv joints, put in the new pressure plate.Fired it up after checking the conroller setting, they all seemed to be okay.This was after several calibrations and checks of the megasquirt and the associated wiring.O yeah! during all of this my lap top went down along with the megasquirt programing. VE tables and such. My friend in Georgia managed to salvage the information so I could put it in my new lap top.This all sounds really easy except I know almost nothing about computers.After the cd was lost in the mail during the Christmas rush I finally was able to get the files down loaded in the new lap top only to find that there was no serial port on my new lap top.A trip to Fry's and a usb adapter was found and installed. Great! I was ready to do some serious testing.NOT. It seems that the lap top would not talk to the WB controller or the megasquirt.More screwing around and I finally get every thing talking. I still have no 02 voltages I have been on Innovate's website and forum trying to find the answers to my problem. I finally gave up and called Inovate's support line only to find out that there was a glitch in it the controller that required it be sent in for a update/repair.So today is the big day. The controller is being sent for repair.
At the present rate of progress I might be ready for another test drive to Cincy, as It was last year.
Man I must be really sick to keep doing this shit!!!!!!!!! I keep thinking I'm to old for this but I'm still doing it.I guess I'm never happy.Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
What an adventure!
ole blue