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Jump box recommendations
- Subject: Jump box recommendations
- From: haygood at myway.com (Brian Haygood)
- Date: Sun Jan 8 16:33:46 2006
Get a solar trickle charger. I got a harbor freight variety. It isn't enough to charge it against any wiring problems or something, but it seemed to help it stay startable. VW dealership in Pittsburgh had them on every car on the lot, so they must have thought something of them.
--- On Sun 01/08, Rick Kellner < rfkellner@snet.net > wrote:
From: Rick Kellner [mailto: rfkellner@snet.net]
To: Scirocco-l@scirocco.org
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 17:01:15 -0500
Subject: RE: Jump box recommendations
What about putting a trickle charger on it the day before you plan to<br>take it out? Not near a 120v outlet?<br>Rick.<br><br>-----Original Message-----<br>From: scirocco-l-bounces+rfkellner=snet.net@scirocco.org<br>[mailto:scirocco-l-bounces+rfkellner=snet.net@scirocco.org] On Behalf Of<br>GGehrke<br>Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 3:50 PM<br>To: Larry Fry<br>Cc: Scirocco list<br>Subject: Re: Jump box recommendations<br><br>I'm thinking along the lines of Cathy's comments, too, that I'll<br>probably truthfully end up using it on my friends cars as much as my<br>own. We can only drive once or maybe maybe twice a week here (USNA)<br>so our cars do a lot of sitting. Sitting and draining. I've got a<br>red top in my beater that I've been meaning to move over, but even<br>that needs a little persuasion after months of non use.<br><br>The car was, in fact, mostly dead when I went today. Got a jump and<br>drove it about 100 miles and it's being good to me, but I think
I'm<br>still going to swing by autozone to pick one up just for rain<br>insurance.<br><br>-Grant-<br><br><br>On 1/8/06, Larry Fry <rocco16@sbcglobal.net> wrote:<br>> My philosopy on those things is this: take the money you would spend<br>on the<br>> 'jump box' and buy a new battery for your car/get the charging problem<br>> fixed.<br>> Carry around an expensive 'good' battery to support a faulty<br>battery?<br>> What's wrong with that picture....?<br>> :)<br>><br>> Larry<br>> sandiego16v<br>><br>> ----- Original Message -----<br>> From: "GGehrke" <ggehrke@gmail.com><br>> To: "Scirocco list" <Scirocco-l@scirocco.org><br>> Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 7:31 AM<br>> Subject: Jump box recommendations<br>><br>><br>> Does anyone have experience with those jump boxes? You know, the<br>> little packs that you charge up in an outlet and carry with you in the<br>> car for dead batteries?<br>><br>> I had to jump my scirocco yesterday (i mean, it had been sitting in<br>> the cold not
being driven since the end of october) and even when I<br>> drove it I needed another jump later that night. I am about to go<br>> back out to it, and i'm sure it's going to be dead again.<br>><br>> Anyways, I figure I'll just go to autozone and pick up whatever<br>> they've got, but if anyone has any recommendations or other places to<br>> look, I'm open to suggestions.<br>><br>> I think today I'm also going to try to tackle some of my other<br>> electrical gremlins, such as how when I turn on my lights, my tach<br>> starts fluttering, the coolant temp idiot light flashes with RPMs<br>> instead, and dash lights dim as my speed (not RPMs) increase so that<br>> above about 15mph they're completely out. Not cool. And I have no<br>> interior lights, so any time I need to read a map or anything I need<br>> to bust out a flashlight. These cars... I swear...<br>><br>> -Grant-<br>><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Scirocco-l mailing list<br>>
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