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OT: Stupid cheap camera fun

> Anyway, since I've been under the weather (very unusual for me), I was

Hope ya feel better :)

> surfing, and stumbled onto a guy's site where he took his 11 Megapixel
> digital SLR and converted it to pinhole. It just has that DIY/high end


> ones for fun....If you have an SLR, all you need is a body cap and some
> copper foil. A 35mm camera needs a very tiny pinhole, like .0079", I think

So I'm guessing here you cut out the center of the body cap and put
foil over the hole, then poke a pinhole in the foil?

I used pinholes in chem class and they were really fun, so I might
give this a try.  I have well over $50K of digital camera equipment at
my complete disposal, and I've always wanted a Holga to shoot really
crappy pictures.  I also have an M3 and want to drive a Scirocco.  Go
