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Three Point Seatbelts in the Rear? was: Sciroccos and kids?
My buddy has a '63 Mercedes 200 that has hidden B pillar seatbelt
anchors, seems shoulder belts were a requirement in Europe but the US
only got lap belts.
T Berk wrote:
> I need to hunt a little more but I seem to remember
> reading about some older VWs (Rabbit/Golf I/Scirocco
> era) having a mount in the rear pillar for shoulder
> belts for rear passengers.
> In most cars they would be behind the headliner
> material, (only not up on the ceiling).
> Perhaps this is only an urban legend, or perhaps only
> later models got suck a fitting- like Mk2s and so on.
> Hmmmm.....
> TBerk
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