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Oil buzzer Fixed!!
but the strange thing is that now the bulbs do not work either......
Don Walter <dswalterwi@gmail.com> wrote: Yeah that might have toasted them as they are very heat sensitive when sodering. You should have been able to just push them in if they were designed for that type of holder. There was some one else that did this too. I will look for that, I can't remember where I seen it.
On 2/9/06, Neptuno <neptunonc@yahoo.com> wrote: would sodering the LED's into the twist holders have damaged them?
Don Walter <dswalterwi@gmail.com> wrote: No just LED's The good news is they won't hurt anything being in backwards but they just won't glow.
On 2/9/06, Neptuno <neptunonc@yahoo.com> wrote: are the regular bulbs like that too?
Don Walter < dswalterwi@gmail.com> wrote: LED's must be installed with the right polarity of positive and negative. If you revolve the led 180 degrees and put it back in then it should work. Otherwise you will need to figure out which terminal is postive and which is neagtive and orient it correctly. HTH
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