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Stearing wheel bearing and horn going off when turning wheel
- Subject: Stearing wheel bearing and horn going off when turning wheel
- From: neptunonc at yahoo.com (Neptuno)
- Date: Wed Feb 1 16:05:49 2006
SO among the multiple electrical gremlins attacking my car as of lately there is this pesky one that I like some help with. Sometimes while turning my stirring wheel my horn will go off. I have noticed that there is some up and down play on the wheel.
That is to say that If I pull on it towards me that there is some play. IS that a stearing wheel bearing issue that is some how grounding my horn? Is one thing related to the other?
I'm tired of scaring people with my random horn (it has air horns) and waving to people as to make them think I know them (to hide the embarrassment of my gremlin)
Oh List please help.
El T
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