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Hussein Executed
I disagree, his death came as a result of the misguided belief that he
had weapons of mass destruction that were putting us in danger, and that
he had a link with terrorists.
His death came at the cost of as many Servicemen lives than the lives
lost in New-York, plus probably as many Iraqui civilians than the ones
he killed himself.
I do not see that execution as spreading civilisation and democracy.
David Utley wrote:
> It is better served in that he will never have a chance to kill again. You
> -can- escape from prison, but you cannot escape death.
> I value life, all life as well, which is why I support the death penalty.
> To save lives, you occasionally have to take one. And Saddam was the most
> fitting sacrifice I can think of.
> Hitler was lucky in that he killed himself, Saddam was not as smart/strong.
> My .02
> David