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Need some help

Just got my car back from the second rebuild of my 2.2ltr 16v. Have roughly
400 miles on this go round. We had a storm here in Seattle a couple weeks
ago. When I was driving home there was a bunch of standing water on my way
back. When I got home I turned it off and seemed ok. A few hours later I
hopped in and took it to the store to get some smokes and started just fine.
A few hours later I fired it up to put it in the garage. Figured home owners
would be better coverage if it was crushed by a tree while in the garage.
Anyway, I had some flooding in my garage (in West Seattle???) and wanted to
pull it out so I could wash it and clean out all the mud.
Well.......wouldn't start at all. It's been two weeks and still can't get it
to start. Has gas since cranking it over you can smell it. This morning I
did notice that after cranking it over there was a series of snaps that
sound like a tazer. There is like 5 or 6 in a row. I know there is the buzz
from the fuel distributor but that doesn't make a snapping sound.

Anyone know what that may be? Maybe some juice being transferred to the body
for some reason? When I get a buddy over tonight I'm going to check spark
but wondering what the snapping sound is. New diesel starter, new motor,
alternator, etc.... The car is Motronic now as well.

Lemme know if anyone has had this happen or has an idea.
