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ot: another gift I know about that I can't open!!!!!!!1111111111oneoneoneeleven!!

   I was thinking about this andf honestly I can get the Fin de Monde here and as crast as it may seem to some (Mark G.  :^p) I want me some yeangling. So keep the expensive fin de monde money and get me a six of the Dan Bubb garage special!!!

  Merry Christmas!
  El T

Mike Smith <smithma7@gmail.com> wrote:
  Brett and Tony both guessed correctly but Brett won by about 30 min.
:) Tony, you get a runner up of a Fin du Monde.

Shall I spill the beans or keep the guessing going? BTW, Brett gave
the answer twice but his final one (which still beat out El T) hit the
nail right on the head with a vengence.

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