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mk 1 leaking on the fusebox

  I used Permatex Flowable Silicone sealant. Put it all around the seal, 
between the rubber and the metal frame.
  For good measure, I also sweated under the dash and built a tent (for 
lack of a better description) over the fuse box.
  It has been running fine that way for over twelve years.
  Here is a link to Permatex, to look at the sealant.
  I found mine at Canadian Tire, but later also spotted it at Walmart's 
automotive department.
  Good luck!
    84 8v (safely tucked away for winter)

Todd Guse wrote:
> I don't post here much but I read the forum a lot. My 79 (daily driver) mk1 is leaking water on the fusebox. I live in Olympia, WA and we've had hella rain. Tonite on the way home, this clicking noise started under the dash. I was turning in to the Safeway, and it died. Managed to roll into a parking space without having to push Helga. Thought it might be out of gas because it was low, but I put 2 gallons in and still no start. Called the towtruck, out 50 bucks (idiot me doesn't have AAA and drives a 27 year old car). The driver was very cool and backed it in the garage. I looked under the dash, water is dripping around all the relays and the fuses. Yanked the fuel pump relay...drip drip drip. PO included a spare 5 years ago when I bought the car and I located it in the toolbox. Plugged it in, and Helga behaved like the well treated pet she is and started. So I can go to work tomorrow, but the fuel pump relay will sit on my desk while I'm there if it's raining.  I've
>  noticed water on the floor lately, and I know this problem has been brought up on this board before, but I can't remember what people did. The windshield is perfect except for one star that's getting fixed as soon as it's warm enough. I don't want to take it out. Does anyone know of a way to seal it without removing it? The car also leaks water in the footwell behind the driver's seat. There isn't any rust on this car and I don't want any. Helga sleeps in a garage but sits outside at work. Suggestions? For now it's a garbage bag on the windshield when I park at work...