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Anyone want something powdercoated?
You make it sound so harsh, Alan.
A little clarification - I heat to about 350-400*F anymore, since that will do the trick unless a
bearing is stuck due to damage from SMS or similar.
Oftentimes, even at that temp, the races and shims have already fallen out without prompting. If
not, then I slap the case on a 2x4, sheet of plywood, etc. If it takes more than 3 slaps, I tap
it out since it usually has dislodged partway by then, or reheat if required.
--- Allyn <amalventano1@tds.net> wrote:
> > I highly doubt it - the finish is tough as nails and I've
> > found very little that will touch it.
> Removal of bearings (the Ron method) involves pre-heating the housing to ~600F on his
> grillmaster (don't tell his wife), and
> immediately and repeatedly slamming the housing on a few blocks of wood in order to dislodge
> stubborn bearings... Or is the finish
> THAT durable?
> :)
> Al
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