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It's Alive!
This also happens with good shocks, but when your rear wheels+tires are insanely wider and heavier than intended by the designer. I
suspect it is the factory camber and toe wreaking havoc, as it only happens on the inner few rows of tread.
From: julie@menloparkrandd.com [mailto:julie@menloparkrandd.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 5:22 PM
To: Nate Lowe; julie@menloparkrandd.com
Cc: Allyn; Scirocco List
Subject: Re: It's Alive!
I asked a tire expert to balance the tires. He told me and showed me the uneven wear caused by bad shocks.
The leading edge of each of the raised rubber contact points was higher than the trailing edge.
Changed the shocks and the noise and bad wear went away.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nate Lowe [mailto:nlowe79@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 3, 2006 09:15 AM
To: julie@menloparkrandd.com
Cc: 'Allyn', 'Scirocco List'
Subject: Re: It's Alive!
That's a thought. I guess my main issue is how to diagnose something like this. I suppose for the tire i could just rotate them and
see if the sound moves to a different location. If it's something else how would you go about figuring it out? I can't exactly look
under the car while it's moving.
On 12/3/06, julie@menloparkrandd.com <julie@menloparkrandd.com <mailto:julie@menloparkrandd.com> > wrote:
How about a tire? I had a tire that did some thing similar on the black MKII. It went "whap" at certain speeds.
- References:
- It's Alive!
- From: julie at menloparkrandd.com (julie@menloparkrandd.com)