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How to reposition the Crank pulley
The crank pulley can only go on one way, because of the bolt pattern, which
will only line up one way. The dimple lets you visualize the crank pulley
bolt pattern, when the engine is installed in the engine compartment.
I pop the distributor cap off, and rotate the engine until the rotor points
to No.1. The notch on the crank pulley should line up with the arrow in the
plastic cover, which lines up with the engine block pointing up.
The intermediate shaft is a don't care on 16V, since it only runs the oil
I use an old A1 non-A/C crank pulley, because it comes on and off easier, if
you have to re-adjust the timing belt.
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Walter [mailto:dswalterwi@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 12:49 PM
To: Dan Bubb
Cc: Scirocco List
Subject: Re: How to reposition the Crank pulley
Excellent, the Bently doesn't mention it but I will write it in. Thanks.
BTW we got a sheet metal part from the dealer to fixt the broken A-Arm bolt
after we open it up. Also am getting a new weld in nut from the dealer.
On 12/2/06, Dan Bubb <jdbubb@verizon.net> wrote:
> The timing pulley has a little raised pimple on it and the pulley has a
> hole
> at about the same diameter as the securing bolt circle that fits over the
> pimple. So, it will only go on one way without wobbling.
> Dan
> From: "Don Walter" <dswalterwi@gmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 9:36 AM
> Subject: How to reposition the Crank pulley
> > During the removal of a 1.8L 16 V engine the Crank pulley was taken off
> to
> > steal the plastic cover behind it. I now want to reuse the engine. How
> > can
> > I make the pulley is put back on in the correct orientation so the
> timing
> > mark will be at the correct position as well. I still have the timing
> > belt
> > attached to the engine and has not been removed yet so I can rotate the
> > engine for the the cam shaft position and distributor is still on so I
> can
> > tell where it is aligned with #1 cylinder.
> >
> > --
> > Don Walter - Waukesha, WI