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the new 'Roc

--- Chris <open.seas@verizon.net> wrote:

> Maybe we can transfer all the running gear, etc to the shells of our 
> cars so they have the correct look. A makeover. Maybe the basis for a 
> new TV show.
> Chris

Now there's an idea!  :D  I was reading that story and saw the car, and
made some sort of noise, (snort, humph, or something like that) and my
girlfriend (we are back together by the way) was like, "what's wrong?"  I
just said "look at this" and showed her a picture.  A picture that didnt
have "Scirocco" on it anywhere.  She said "Aw, that's pretty cute!  Kinda
neat looking-" I said, "New Scirocco" and she said "Um, no it's not!"

Wow.  My girlfriend, who hates cars, even had an opinion.  I tend to
agree.  I sort of like it.  The front end is pretty radical, something
that nobody else is doing.  Dont really like the "chubby hatch" look that
a lot of automakers are doing right now.  The taillights look like a
Daewoo, but I like the lower valance with the exhaust.  But I really think
they should not call it a Scirocco.  I mean, I look at the new Camaro
Concept, and I think "hey, it looks like a Camaro!"  I look at this thing
and if Scirocco were not written on it, I would have no idea how to
identify it.  Hell, if it didnt have a VW emblem on it, I would have
thought it was something Japaneese.  I dunno though.  Loose the blingy
wheels, fix the taillights, and get rid of the star-trek interior and it
would be a really sharp car.

I think VW has some talented designers, but I'd also be willing to bet
none of them have owned an original Scirocco, and they probably did not
even look at one to aid in the design process.


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