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I am freaking out: Mis-adventures with Rodolfo

> On 3:21 pm 08/09/06 Neptuno <neptunonc@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Ok so possibly one of the worst things happened to me about 30 
> > minutes ago.....I don't know how many of you have gotten stuck in a 
> > Tunnel, well yes now I have the dubious distinction to be one of 
> > "those" people.

Chris Bennett responded:
> Ditto. I had a situation like that where I had to push the 85 UP a
> hill with alot of traffic behind me and no-one offering help just
> alot of honking. Fookers, One and All.

When I was driving Jason Arms former 16v the main fuel pump died on I-95 in
Philadelphia in a construction zone with 'cattle shoots' during the morning
rush hour stop-n-go traffic. I just sat there in the car for ~2 minutes
getting honked at until a cop on a bike showed up and stopped behind me.

I got out told the cop that if he rode behind me I would push the car for
the 500 or 700 feet left in the construction zone to get out of everyones
way. He agreed and I started pushing. After 100 feet or so I was huffing and
puffing pushing the car and the cop yells to me that he is going to try to
help push by using the foot rest of the bike to push onto the bumper. I nod
in a agreement, he lines up, and nearly wipes out the bike when it slipped
off the plastic bumper cover. I laughed. He did not.

Once out of the construction zone and traffic was free flowing again he was
furious with me because of his little faux pas. He demanded license,
registration, and proof of insurance *right away* as we were on the side of
the road. I could not speak I was so out of breath but gave it to him
nodding my head. After radioing in my info he gives it back to me, still
pissed and drives away. Asshat.

Later while getting it town via AAA off the interstate the tow truck driver
bounced off the guard rail while getting off the interstate and later hit a
parked car and kept going. Owning a Scirocco is ALWAYS an adventure.
