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PA Scirocco rescue ASAP!!!!!

Chris Bennett wrote:
> Juliet Alpha Charlie Kilo, this is Alpha Sierra Sierra, do you copy 
> over?  The phat lady is easy but has hemmoroids, you can find her on the 
> corner.  I say again...

Oh, I know, ASS, but 400 visits is what made him bump the price fersure.

> In all seriousness though.  I am not sure I would want ANY scirocco if 
> the current and soon to be previous owner was slingblade about the sale 
> like that.  If he is acting that weird on ebay there's no telling what 
> kind of nightmares and "specialness" in the way of PO mods are under 
> that hood. 

That's Ebay.  Like I said before, I used to be a hired gun for buying 
used VWs and turned several folks on to the wonders of a Scirocco.  They 
were always rusty up here but cheapass students don't care.  $400? 
$800?  Whatever.  As long as it lasts until they have kids.

The trick to buying good used cars:
1) Private party
2) Why are you selling it?
3) What's wrong with it?
After that you use pure vibes to tell if they're on the level.  Dicker 
10% and voila.  Ebay is a whole nother minefield.  You have to be able 
smell the car *and* the owner for this to work.

PS There's an 84 on cars.com in NJ for $997, the only one in the US.