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An update on the stupid brakes I haven't gotten around to

    I got around to it. Completely separate from the parking brake push 
bar thing that fell off the front shoe, I still needed to take the 
brakes off to replace the parking brake cable. Through just sliding a 
shoe down and pulling a lot I was able to get the shoes off. I compared 
them to the new ones I had bought and they are still pretty thick. When 
I checked the brake cylinder one of them was sticking out a bit. when I 
pushed it in it leaked brake fluid and then pushed itself back out part 
way. Lifting up the boot revealed even more brake fluid. So I guess I 
need to replace the brake cylinders. Should I assume that when I replace 
one cylinder I should replace the one in the other drum as well?

My new problem will be putting everything back together with those 
stupid springs. That and procrastination.

	--Jacob Hawes
	'80 Scirocco mk1 searching for a name
Sharp pointy things:
	18" HI Kobra "pillow knife"
	17.5" HI Ang Khola Villager "camp axe"
	~48" Custom XVII longsword. unnamed
My Photobucket: