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Shine rear swaybar dimension & metallurgical advice needed...

I had the same question as Dan, with the same concerns.
Do not attach any non-pivoting bar to the hub area...just to the beam.

(Hey Dan, how about saying something stupid for once, so I can disagree with you?)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dan Bubb 
  To: Allyn ; 'Mark F.' 
  Cc: 'scirocco list' 
  Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 6:25 AM
  Subject: Re: Shine rear swaybar dimension & metallurgical advice needed...

  I'm not understanding this.
  Are you talking just about adding a bar or tube as a swaybar?
  If so then the comment, "the closer to the hubs the better" is worrysome.
  No matter the circumstances the hubs move parallel to each other in two 
  parallel planes that are a fixed distance from each other. Tying the hubs 
  together with a fixed length bar, as I think you're suggesting, will 
  introduce enormous stresses into the whole structure and most likely prevent 
  much relative (side-to-side) wheel travel at all.
  Any swaybar added to the rear beam should be as close to the pivot point as 
  possible. That way the swaybar is in pure torsion and doesn't introduce 
  unwanted stresses and deformations into the rest of the beam.
  Maybe I don't understand what you're saying?

  From: "Allyn" <amalventano1@tds.net>
  Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:40 AM
  Subject: RE: Shine rear swaybar dimension & metallurgical advice needed...

  > Length: 39"
  > Circumference: 3.25"
  > Diameter (calculated): 1"
  > Torsional rigidity (calculated): too damn early in the morning
  > My hunch - I'd go with 1.25 or 1.5" diameter hollow tubing (between 1/16" 
  > and 1/8" wall thickness), welded circumferentially between
  > the two arms (not to the cross member), the closer to the hubs the better.
  > OK, so I did some rough calcs, and assuming metal of same length and 
  > properties is used (values are relative to the shine bar):
  > 1.25 dia / 1/8" thickness: 0.84 torsion / 0.29 weight
  > 1.5  dia / 1/8" thickness: 1.49 torsion / 0.36 weight
  > Unless my brain is still foggy, you can get 1.5x the rigidity at 1/3rd the 
  > weight with a 1.5" / 1/8" tube.
  > HTH
  > Al
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