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Oil companies/ SUV rants

Matt Gregory wrote:
> This just brought something to mind ... and I could be
> completely wrong ... I'm just thinking out loud here BUT:
> Don't I remember hearing that some of those SUVs are technically
> classified as trucks so the car companys' fleets appear to have
> higher MPG ratings?  If so ... then maybe they should be required
> to obey those signs that say: TRUCKS USE 2 RIGHT LANES or WEIGH
> Just a thought.

In the US some SUVs are considered trucks by the IRS. Over a certain weight
and they can be completely written off. The new M class is designed to be
something like 8 pounds over this IRS determined weight. The same exact same
M class in Europe weighs a bunch less.

However, even the largest SUVs (Surburbans, etc.) are still considered cars
(overgrown station wagons IMHO) buy state DMVs. They don't have 'truck'
tags. However, my '84 Bunny Truck does have truck tags and the way more
expensive $72/year registration. Unfortunately SUVs don't have to stop at
weigh stations unless they are pulling a trailer, and some states do not
require autos with trailers to get weighed. :-(

On a positive note, none of the new uber-large WaWas in the Philly areas
allow SUVs to park directly in front of the store. They have to park out
back with the big trucks. See:
<http://endearth.org/MarchLamb2003_15_large.jpg> taken in 2003 near
Hannover, PA. Do SUVs  follow this? NO! Just like 'keep right except to
pass' it is a rule that they believe they are entitled to ignore. "I'm too
good for the right lane!" Fuckers.

Scirocco content: With a low of 83, a high of 102, and 80% humidity, driving
a Scirocco without air-conditioning today is going to be rough!


'83 VW Scirocco California Edition
'84 VW Rabbit GTI Pickup Truck