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Lanyard Order Page
On 1:31:25 pm 04/30/06 Timbo <timjmcconnell@gmail.com> wrote:
> Alright, Got some done, Everybody's card preview will show up here:
> http://www.vintagewatercooleds.com/tech/Link/2006/Cincy2006/Cards/
> This is just a shrunk version, so you can make sure I got everything
> right. Jim will print/cut/laminate/punch/attach lanyard the full-res
> version at his place.
> Pay special attention to Mike Smith's and Peter's cards - they have
> the Mk1 and the Mk2 outlines on them.
> --Timbo
> Okay, so you know what's wrong with mine, right? RocKit I can live with,
but punchbug, it's punchbug!!!!