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Vortex too? Was RE: Re: Reminder - Cincy Hotel
Sciroccos are unique enough, being automatic makes it even more unique..
On 4/26/06, Neptuno <neptunonc@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I dabbled once or twice with the Idea of selling Rodolfo, but I just dont have the heart....I am always afraid that if I do ever sell him that the buyer woul mess him up doing some conversion to it and that he would end up unwanted and lonely...
> El Tony
> Don Walter <dswalterwi@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried to buy an Automatic Scirocco for the Wife. Then we could have four. I'm working on my daughter to get rid of her Neon and drive my 8V when I get my 16V back on the road.
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