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Buying a mint car from afar, I need help!
It's defintely worth it to avoid the headaches associated with bodywork...
If you could score 4-5 consecutive days off (including a weekend), my
suggestion would be trailer it back yourself. Or pay someone (cough...like
Mark...) to drive it out there. On the flip side, I would think $1000CDN should
be enough to get it shipped to you from Toronto...
G/L - JT
> If any of you remember the mk1 I have in my garage, it's far from being
> finished, the body is the biggest thing left to do. I live in Fort
> McMurray where a body man or body shop is IMPOSSIBLE to get, most guys
> here would rather be doing collision work. My only option is Edmonton,
> which is 430kms away. I've been told I'm looking at about $3000 in body
> work alone, then you gotta calculate in costs of me trailering it down
> there, staying the night etc etc.
> So yesterday I seen THIS
> http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=2519431 car on the vortex.
> WOW, looks great, it's a little farther along then what I am on my car, and
> I could likely swap all the parts over. My biggest issue is shipping the
> car across Canada. Is this gonna be expensive?
> I'm thinking if I can get the car for $5000 shipped up here I'm doing
> good because any of the body shops around here have quoted me at at least
> $5000 and the car in Ontario has absolutely been done to a further extent
> of what mine will be.
> Do you guys think its worth it? Is it a major hassle to ship a car across
> Canada? for $1000?
> Here's a pic of my car in it's current stage for reference...
> http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/2/web/566000-
> the doors are taken off now, as well as a little more paint, the rockers
> need to be replaced, as does the rear fender archs and hatch.
> Thanks in advance,
> Bryan
> Fort McMurray, AB
> 81 Volkswagen Scirocco
> 86 Volkswagen Jetta
> 98 Audi A4
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