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Reminder - Cincy Hotel
Thanks for the Reminder Daun!
I called and booked...and they were even nice enough to give me Sunday
night at the same rate (since you know I hate bailing out super
fast...Sunday night dinner is kinda nice and quiet).
1979 Dasher Coupe 2.0 8v
1981 Scirocco S (TDI swap project)
1990 Corrado TDI
1990 Fox Wagon (1.6 Heron head project)
1991 Cabriolet (2.0 crossflow 8v project)
Daun Yeagley said:
> Just a reminder, if you've not made your reservation yet,
> time is running out. I don't remember the exact cutoff
> date, but it was the beginning of May. Yes, that means you
> have about a week.
> I don't want charged for unused rooms, so book 'em up!
> (937) 283-3200 - tell 'em you're with Scirocco.org
> Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
> '81 Scirocco S '86 Scirocco 8v
> '88 Scirocco 16v '88 Scirocco Slegato
> '96 Passat GLX Wagon '56 Cessna 172
> The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts -
> Ehrlich's Law.
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