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Why is the hatch so heavy? (spinoff from fabsvr6 fiberglass stuff) (again?)
The hatch from the 77 was really light compared to most that I have ever
had. It did not have the rear wiper. When I got the silver 80 it did not
have the rear wiper in it and that hatch was also light and would stay up
with just one bad hatch strut. There is a lot of weight in the glass but
you can easily shave some lbs by removing the rear wiper assembly. ?I am
guessing most people have thought of this already though.
On 4/23/06, GGehrke <ggehrke@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry if this already made it through, but it looked like it bounced,
> so here goes again:
> Thinking about weight reduction -
> So I'm sure some of you have taken the glass out of the hatch and
> moved em around and stuff. Why are they so damn heavy?
> Is it the metal? And would fiberglass or even CF be a feasible
> replacement?
> Is it the glass? And would Lexan or something be a feasible replacement?
> Is it my imagination that they're such portly sons of bitches?
> -Grant-
MK1 x 4
MK2 x 1