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Fw: I hate cars! AKA starting points for jetta problems
- Subject: Fw: I hate cars! AKA starting points for jetta problems
- From: sharpshooter33 at adelphia.net (David Brown)
- Date: Fri Apr 21 12:37:55 2006
Checked the oil and Coolant this morning they look just great. Probably
not the head gasket. It's supposed to rain like crazy, but I'm working for
the next for days so SOL.
Must be something electrical that could just go out while driving....
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nate Mellom" <doubt@inwave.com>
> To: "David Brown" <sharpshooter33@adelphia.net>
> Cc: "scirocco scirocco" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 12:49 AM
> Subject: Re: I hate cars!
>> "I was figuring that a head gasket would go slowly"
>> When the head gasket went on my '84, it was rather spectacular, in a
>> wierd way. Driving down the interstate at 75, I hear a loud
>> WHOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH, while seeing a HUGE smokescreen of pure
>> white smoke out the back end. It was oddly calm and peaceful, until I
>> got it towed home and tore the motor apart. Total and complete carnage.
>> Hole in the block, bent valves, busted rods, pistons seriously f'd up.
>> 2 engines later (second motor died due to a bad oil cooler seal and a
>> malfunctioning oil pressure sender), and I sold it for next to nothing,
>> my dogma and its carma didn't mix, I guess.
>> Nate
>> David Brown wrote:
>>> Hey big T,
>>> Until it went south everything looked good in the oil and coolant...
>>> Good point and I kinda suspected same at 1st, I'll check these 2 things
>>> tomorrow since there easy and I can do them before work. I was also
>>> going to do a compression test, but I'd decided that it must be
>>> electrical. I was figuring that a head gasket would go slowly so I had
>>> kinda ruled that out. Good point though and I'll check and report in
>>> tomorrow.
>>> Thanks
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "T Berk" <bayareaberk@yahoo.com>
>>> To: "scirocco scirocco" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:18 PM
>>> Subject: Re: I hate cars!
>>>> --- David Brown <sharpshooter33@adelphia.net> wrote:
>>>>> Ok so I get my Jetta finally running last week.
>>>> <snip>
>>>>> I'm on my way home from work and bang!!! The jetta
>>>>> starts running like shit! Acts like it's missing
>>>>> real bad and when I stop at lights it kinda sounds
>>>>> like a modified race car with a bad lope at
>>>>> idle....a pulsing kinda idle just barely keeping
>>>>> running. I'm thinking it's some type electrical...
>>>>> O2 sensor or something. I was getting white smoke
>>>>> as I backed into the garage and it smelled of
>>>>> flooding.
>>>> OK, wait right there. Is is smelling of unburnt GAS?
>>>> Or is it smelling a sticky sweet glycol type sugary
>>>> stuff, as in coolant mixture?
>>>> The reason I ask is you describe common symptoms of a
>>>> head gasket going south and letting coolant into the
>>>> combustion chambers.
>>>>> I hate cars! Just when you start to enjoy driving
>>>>> one they get the "Feed me and pamper me some more
>>>>> attitude".
>>>>> Oh well at least I'm off tomorrow and I can work on
>>>>> it some. It's not getting the new lighting harness
>>>>> though.... Teach it to act up on me... 8-)
>>>>> David
>>>> Pull your plugs in turn and report back with what they
>>>> look like. Also look in the (cool) coolant and see if
>>>> it has A. a sludgy foam type oil scum floating on top
>>>> and/or B. has been disappeared with no apparent
>>>> reason.
>>>> TBerk
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