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Don't use WD-40 around the Combustion part of the Motor. was: How can I remove 16V injectors?
--- Mike Potter <Potterman@parts4vws.com> wrote:
> On 16v's you have to PULL really Hard. Spraying them
> with WD-40 or the like
> helps.
> That tool is only for 8v's
> Mike Potter
Miiiike, Hows yah doin? (damn it's hard to spell
phonetically over the Internet.)
Anywho- I wanted to mention that WD40 and other kinds
of lubrication sprays often are loaded with Sulfur:
Bad bad in terms of getting it in the motor's insides
because it'll attach to the platinum in the O2 Sensor,
shortening it's life and effectiveness.
As for the original question there is an injector
puller for double overhead cam motors but as I am an
8v kinds guy (so far) I don't have a ready link to
point you at.
Suffice to say you should have some luck looking
beyond the VW scene; I have seen them used on 16v
Volvos and Saabs, (two makes which share a lot of
Bosch technology with VW/Audi).
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