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Cincy via CA
--- Eric S <scirocco@vintagewatercooleds.com> wrote:
> Allyn has a point Marc....us Westerners do have 75
> mph speed limits you
> know...not the poky 60 mph crap you guys out East
> have. You can safely do
> 80 most of the time without risking a ticket. With
> stops, probably a
> 16-17 hour day. Push it beyond 80, and don't get a
> ticket, and you can
> make it much faster.
> Yes, it is a LONG day...but completely doable, and I
> have done that trip
> many times (Denver to San Fran area).
> Last time I did this, I was in a Caddy 1.6 NA
> Diesel...I still managed to
> do it in 17 hours even with the really slow climb
> over the Sierra Nevadas.
> --
> Eric
> www.vintagewatercooleds.com
Just a quick meetoo, 'beware the Jabberwoki my son'
add-on to Eric, the Salty One's good advice.
Getting past Sack-a-Tomatoes and over the Mountains is
relatively easy, passing Reno/Sparks and out into the
desert is where the fun begins. Smokey lies in wait
out about 3/4 of the way across Nevada.
Watch what the truck convoys are doing and you'll be
OK, or do what I did (_avg_ 90 mph) and not make it to
Cincy at all.
it was fun while it lasted.
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- References:
- Cincy via CA
- From: scirocco at vintagewatercooleds.com (Eric S)