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Repost - [Fwd: Calling all used O2 sensors]
On 2:25:22 am 04/16/06 Nate Mellom <doubt@inwave.com> wrote:
> Maybe some content this time?
> I'm taking up a collection of used 16v O2 sensors, but to be more
> specific, just the connectors. I'm planning on making up a batch of
> DPR test harnesses (to be sold/given away/lent/distrubuted at Cincy),
> I have a ton of the female Bosch connectors, but no males, and O2
> sensors are the perfect donors.
> Let me know whatcha got!
> Nate
I think it did make it, I'm replacing an O2 sensor, probably today, but I'm
putting in a generic, so I will be reusing much of the original harness.
I'll check the Passat for one, and I found another one yesterday too, in
the driver's door, wired to the latch mechanism of the B3 Passat we have,
it didn't have central locking either, and I don't think there's one on the
Passenger's door, oddly enough.
And here's some trivia, I mentioned it to my kid, and he said,"you know why
that is?" (that the males are always on a sensor, not the plug? I figured
he'd have some sexist tidit about why males were more important in general,
but...) Because if the pins got bent on the powered end there'd be more
risk of a short. Interesting trivia eh?
But in that whole Passat harness, only one so far. And I'll probably keep
it to make up another test rig.