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*Important* - DD for Cincy - was Re: Beer for Cincy?
This is wonderful people. I for one, intend to drink a few cold beverages,
if for no other reason than it makes Salty a lot easier on the eyes. Eric,
you driving a Scirocco this year???? :P
On 1:50:12 pm 04/14/06 Tonee Northam <pb3vr6@yahoo.com> wrote:
> and the Sheriff's department already knows about cincy, they've
> drivin by, and even pulled into the driveway in the past.
> T
> Daun Yeagley <vwdaun@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Phil Boeye wrote:
> > Ya know, I have no clue, but I will tell you that I'm
> > thinking about doing some designated driver duties for
> > the motel crew.
> I can't stress enough how good an idea this is. The one
> thing at Cincy that has always made me nervous is the
> combination of alcohol & driving. Yes, it's only two miles
> to the hotel, and we live in the middle of nowhere.
> HOWEVER, if ONE person got nailed for DUI / DWI, IT WOULD
> So I'm searching for volunteers for designated driver duty.
> I have no problem being one of them, (plenty of experience
> there) and I'll volunteer my vehicle (the Passat) for duty.
> Leave the Sciroccos in the driveway (they'll be safe, take
> your keys with you) and we'll pick you up in the morning.
> Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
> '81 Scirocco S '86 Scirocco 8v
> '88 Scirocco 16v '88 Scirocco Slegato
> '96 Passat GLX Wagon '56 Cessna 172
> The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts -
> Ehrlich's Law.
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