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SPAM-LOW: Re: Jetta GLI ground cable
-----Original Message-----
From: David Brown [mailto:sharpshooter33@adelphia.net]
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 1:37 AM
To: scirocco scirocco
Subject: SPAM-LOW: Re: Jetta GLI ground cable
yea 15" sounds short to me also, but I ran it through gprparts.com
parts4vw.com etc. and they all punch up the same.
Yea that's what I was thinking, but I like your connection points better
than mine.
The B3 Passats have a stud on one of the starter bolts, but I don't know if
that will work with an 020.
Drive the GTI, and save the Scirocco!
Please! Include the previous text in your reply...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter" <peter@thescirocco.com>
To: "'David Brown'" <sharpshooter33@adelphia.net>; "'scirocco scirocco'"
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 1:29 AM
Subject: RE: Jetta GLI ground cable
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Brown [mailto:sharpshooter33@adelphia.net]
> Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 1:12 AM
> To: scirocco scirocco
> Subject: SPAM-LOW: Jetta GLI ground cable
> Ok so I got my GLI running the last 2 days by push starting it.
> Runs ok for awhile, but then it starts to miss. We narrowed it down to a
> faulty ground. We think it's the main ground wire. We attached a meter
> and
> the battery has good Voltage, the alternator puts out good voltage, but
> the
> battery when the car is running is not getting charge.
> We ground the battery with jumper cables to the block and BANG we get a
> good
> charge coming back to the battery.
> My question is this:
> I look up the stock negative battery cable and it's 15" The current one
> that I took off is about 22". All the models that I looked up Scirocco
> 8v,
> 16v and Jetta GL and GLI all say 15".
> This car was wrecked in the front at one time and the electrical wiring is
> FUBAR especially with the radiator relay and other items in the front
> area.
> I'm wondering if it's grounded to the wrong place also? The Bentley says
> ground to body, but it looks like it's on the back of the tranny. Also it
> has a inline connector that wasn't connected to anything. I'm tempted to
> get a B.A.cable and ground it to the tranny and body.
> Any input?
> Thanks
> David
> 15" sounds more like a positive cable, unless they're just connecting it
> to
> the chassis, or it might reach directly to the top of the driver's side
> trans mount, but I doubt it duplicates the stock setup.
> I use a thick low gauge wire, and run it from the negative battery
> terminal,
> to the top starter bolt, or to a trans to engine bolt/stud. Then I use a
> little thinner cable with ring terminals on each end, and connect it to
> the
> chassis.
> Here's what that trans to engine bolt/stud looks like:
> http://thescirocco.com/images/forsaletransgroundbolts.jpg
> Peter
> http://thescirocco.com/
> Drive the GTI, and save the Scirocco!
> Please! Include the previous text in your reply...
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