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My Cincy05 Story... (Sorta Long)
My messages keep getting bounced with code 100. WTF is that???
Alright!! Here's the story of my first Cincy.
I knew when it was - but I didn't know exactly where Daun's parent's
place was. So - I figured that such a small Ohio town has to have one
airport, right?
Well - no - I was wrong. There's a freight terminal there apparently.
The trip.
I lived in Aurora, CO. We left Thursday morning at 4AM - Me, and
Jenny, my wife. We just said that we were gonna go until we were
tired. That's a fun idea. I-70 Drive, drive and drive some more.
Took a few gas stops...
By nightfall, we had gotten to St. Elmo, IL Arbys! (of which I have
not seen one of those yet here in PA). We had some good dinner, and
pressed on. Somehow right after this, my headlights shorted out my
radiator fan. God only knows how that happened (shitty wiring) That
happened in Shelbyville.
I didn't get tired. At 1AM - we got into the city - Cincinnati - but I
was so damned tired - I couldn't go the rest of the 30 miles. I just
had to stop. Motel6 in Cincy, on the north side. It was a nasty hotel.
But it was sleep.
We woke up again at 9AM. I can never sleep when there is light out.
Some of you might not be able to sleep with noise - but it does not
bother me - it's light that bothers me.
So we drove out again. Google maps told us how to get to the center of
Wilmington. OK. Where's the airport. I called Eric. he talked about a
radio tower I need to find. Keep in mind that I was nowhere near the
right place. I found airborne airpark. The big airport there. I
thought that was the right airport. We drove around it to try to see
something that looked like lots o sciroccos. Nope. Nothing.
Called up Eric again. He said something about taking 68 back out and
finding the Clinton county airport! DOH. OK - I found 68. But I didn't
know I was going south. So after I drove out into the boonies for a
while, I figured I was real lost. Time to turn around.
I picked the most shittastic road to turn around on. I high centered
the rocco in a ditch and I couldn't get it out. I even tried putting a
tire iron in the high wheel to make the other one turn. Nope. I swear
- that trick is gonna work one day.
I had to walk to the end of the road to get some cell reception,
called Eric again. (Poor bastard). He said he'd leave. When I told him
where I was he laughed and told me I was miles off! Doh!
A local drove up right after that - he had a truck with a tow-rope. he
dragged me out, I thanked him a billion times. That was great luck!!
Here's a pic of the car on that road right after. If you look close -
you can see the grass eaten up by the cat's heat shield and the sway
Yeah. Eric found me and lead me back to cincy. Me limping with a muddy
car that I just washed. What a car show!
Har har. Anyway - after that, It was fun.
On Saturday - Julie fixed up my door thingy -
My car is at the bottom of the "!" in ".org!" The "." was a hood.
Still - good memories.
I didn't do the trip back to Denver at such an insane speed as I came
though. The first day we ended up in Nebraska. We saw my wife's
college town. That was cool.
No actual problems with the rocco. It was good.
I have a much easier trip this year - I'm gonna be able to caravan
with Jim and Michael Bee. It's gonna be an ever greater year. My car
will be running megasquirt with laptop in passenger seat for all to
see. I am also bringing copies of ETKA. All I ask for is blank CDs for
REMEMBER - CINCY 2006 IS TECH CINCY!! There will be TECH!!
And if I hear anybody bitching about how long your trip is to cincy -
YOU CAN ALL EAT ME!! yep. 18 hours in one day, and 2 hours the next
mostly getting lost and in ditches and such.
--One insane Timbo!!
Location: Glenside, PA!