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My auto-x school (vids!)
NP Phil - I just hate the whole routine of getting a 'download ticket' and
then type the 3 letter security code. Hope google works out for you. (and
On 4/2/06, Phil Boeye <rocco_phil@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Here are two vids from the school I ran on Saturday.
> First session was on a totally wet course (but not
> raining), so that was a great experience. I did
> really well there.
> Sun came out towards the end of the morning session
> with some strong breezes and dried the track in a
> little over an hour. So the afternoon session, from
> which the vids are pulled, was under total dry
> conditions (about 80* and sunny).
> Sorry for the wind sound on the vids - the camera's
> mic picked it up more than any engine/course sounds.
> I uploaded this to both Rapidshare and to Google;
> however, I am waiting on Google to accept them. Greg,
> I gotta admit I don't like waiting like that, but
> thanks for the source.
> Here they are (both in the 4-6MB range):
> http://rapidshare.de/files/17063605/84SecondtoLastrun.wmv
> http://rapidshare.de/files/17063150/84Scirocco_FinalRun.wmv
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84 Scirocco Wolfsberg - The Red Baron aka Weekend FunWagen
91 Jetta - Still needs a name aka DailyBattleWagen