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What could be easier?
Disconnect battery negative, carefully remove back fuse box cover,
disconnect main positive wire to fuse block, carefully remove front fuse
box cover. Disconnect battery positive, remove main positive fuseblock wire
and set aside, carefully remove base of fuseblock and set aside fuseblock.
Unbolt power steering reservoir and set it aside, remove upper engine
cover, unbolt and remove side battery cover, and remove what looks like a
normal battery hold down bracket. remove battery blanket, remove battery by
carefully angling it upwards to clear overhanging fender. Apply Mastercard
to new Optima Red Top, installation is reverse of removal, unless you get
energetic and go chasing ground cables. In that case, you'd better eat
lunch. Congrats, you just changed a New Beetle battery.
Yeah, a bit different than a Scirocco. BUT, my chunky wonder car now seems
to start like it never, ever has. 800CCA baby. I'm not screwing around any