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On 1:03:49 pm 04/01/06 "David Brown" <sharpshooter33@adelphia.net> wrote:
> Which stickers are we talking about?
> I've got a rear hatch one that's under my spoiler in back of one of
> my MKIIs.
> Any pic's?
> Thanks
> BTW what is the dates on Cincy? I know they were posted, but just
> now looking at my work schedule and getting ready to request days off
> for the summer.
> Thanks
> David
The little ones that go (usually) on the side windows, that say
"www.scirocco.org". Good publicity for this great group. And the "rubbing"
is a crayon rubbing of the big stock "scirocco" sticker that came on some
of the cars, probably what you have on your MkII. And Cincy is in like 62
days, not that anyone's counting. First weekend of June. Ah, sweet Cincy.
- Follow-Ups:
- Stickers
- From: scirocco16vr32 at gmail.com (Chris Bennett)
- References:
- Stickers
- From: roccit_53 at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca (C Boyko)
- Stickers
- From: sharpshooter33 at adelphia.net (David Brown)