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Congrats to you, mom and the youngsta. Is she you're first? We're
expecting November 25th, and s/he WILL be a gearhead, come he** (baby
edit!) or high water.
Enjoy! I've heard kids have a habit of changing your life, mostly for
the better.
Chris Bennett wrote:
> All,
> Elise Janelle Bennett
> 9lbs, 9oz
> 21.5 inches
> Born 22 Sept 2005
> Mom and baby are both fine and healthy.
> More to come soon... gotta run back to the hospital.
> Chris
> --
> My new mantra:
> Keep it out of gear.
> Disable that @#$% remote starter.
> Don't be a dipshit and try to stop a rolling car.
> Keep fingers by keeping them to myself.
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- References:
- Baby
- From: scirocco16vr32 at gmail.com (Chris Bennett)