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dipstick funnel

I also Have an 82 AKA Rodolfo. He doesnt have the funnel thing cause he does not need it. I actually have always been jelous of the really nice platic (red Ussually) ones that the other guys have, but the reality is that unless there is an engine change then I am stuck with what I have for now.
Assuming that you still have the stock 1.7l engine (code EN IIRC) then you too only have a metal tube that your dipstick attaches to and there for dont need the plastic jiga majig. Now if there has been a change on the motors that is a differnet story.
HTH, I hope that if you have other 82 related question you dont hecitate to ask. I will share with you all I know...Oh by the way what color is the interior?
El Tony

silvius14@comcast.net wrote:
Do all the Scirocco's use the plastic dipstick funnel? The 1982 that I just bought doesn't have one. Does the funnel do anything?

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