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The headaches have begun...SMS maybe?
I did this just the other day to verify a bad wheel bearing on my nephew's car.
No tires, idling in 5th and using my little piezo crystal electronic
engine knock listening device which is way safer than screwdriver
against ear close to rotating component.
Anyway, interesting results. The good wheel bearing was almost silent,
the bad one quite loud.
Out of curiosity I also listened to the tranny and water pump and
despite the fact that all those bearings are relatively new and make
no noise while driving the car, with my little listener they sounded
as bad as the bad wheel bearing!
In any event I'm sure a bad tranny bearing will show up as quite loud
when you are close to it on the case.
Are you familiar with tranny rebuilds?
On 9/16/05, Jim Ruffi <sciroccos@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Plus, there's a grinding noise while I drive which I hope is wheel bearings.
> Always there when rolling, regardless of engine speed, clutch, etc. I'm
> hoping it isn't SMS....I plan on draining and inspecting the fluid before I
> drive any distance. Next will be the old screwdriver stethescope on the
> bearing housing with the car running/in gear on jackstands. Any
> suggestions/descriptions of the difference in sound between the two
> situations? No noticable gear oil leaks that I know of/clutch is high, but
> OK.
> Jim