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Cathy gets another rubbin'
On 10:24:37 am 09/11/05 "C Boyko" <roccit_53@scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca> wrote:
> George already says he does not want to be a part of this. And he
> doesn't want me to tell you what he did...oh never mind.
> Oh, Daun says we better go wrench, more later.
> Cathy
Okay, so that was from last night, the "Gino Engine Swap" weekend. So Daun
arrived about 2 pm Saturday, and left around noon today. In the interim,
Gino (the red Slegato we'd towed from Montreal) got his oil sucking engine
dropped, and a "new" engine /tranny installed. More or less. It's in, but
there was a small issue of not being able to hook up the axles, 100mm
axle/90 flanges. But the heavy stuff is done, and Mark (MkI Mark) is a tank
I tell you, he can bench press an engine/tranny combo in a very impressive
manner. You'd almost think he'd done 8V swaps before!
James (Daun's friend from Toronto) had been the first arrival on Saturday,
so he and I unhooked and tagged a bunch of stuff, then Daun and Nick showed
up, followed by MkI Mark, and George. So by that point I had 8 A1s kicking
about, including MkI Mark's new MkII, (it's a silver beauty with an ABA,
and it looks lean and down to business) and of course Blackie, George's
flat black beast.
So, tech notes?
Well, a few strong guys can lift an engine/tranny combo out of a Golf
Those wheel dollie things make moving an engine very easy, and TWO would be
good if you're swapping
Gino is a big greaseball, and this is good/bad
Rusty nuts stick in your sockets with great frequency
Motor mount bolts respond well to the "Shock and Awe" method on the way
out, and can be called many things in many languages on the way back in.
It IS possible to drop an engine without forgetting any wires,etc
Kroil is the shit
I'm sure the rest will chime in when they get home. So I guess I could go
out and hook some more stuff up to get the car out of here at some point,
but there was good progress made. It's always good to wrench with listers,
I always pick up a tip,or two. Like dont buy a car that needs an engine
swap 8 hours from home...<kidding>