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16V rear calipers & a cure?

> From: Dan Bubb <dan.bubb@gmail.com>
> Date: 2005/09/07 Wed AM 09:47:52 EDT
> To: Mtl-Marc <marc_scirocco@sympatico.ca>

> 2. Like it or not, the e-brake mechanism on the A1 caliper is a
> problem. YOU may not have had the problem. Doesn't mean it doesn't
> exist. I've heard of plenty of examples before I even bought a 16V and
> acquired my very own proof. If you want to deny it and say it's my
> opinion feel free! God will I laugh my ass off when your calipers jam
> and you bitch about the $170 cost of a new one!

I replied to this yesterday, but never saw my note pop-up, so forgive me if this is a repost.  Also, please keep in mind I post this as a factual response, no flaming or other posturing is intended, expressed, or implied...  :-)

Anyone remember Chris DeLong?  He told me some years ago of how to fix 'jammed rear 16V calipers'.  He said he took them apart and figured out how they work.  The E-brake part of the caliper is driven by a worm-drive screw that is engaged to the piston.  Apparently, the two get cocked, and that is why the freeze-up.  The Cure:  Screw the piston out a full turn, then lightly rap the caliper body with a small hammer, repeat both steps again, then screw in the piston as per normal.  He told me once he figured this out that he had not had any trouble since.  This is all second-hand info, but I consider the source solid.  At this point, I have yet to test it, but I would be interested in hearing any experience either way...