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I'm so pumped! It runs...But why is the distributor THERE? (sorta long)
- Subject: I'm so pumped! It runs...But why is the distributor THERE? (sorta long)
- From: bayareaberk at yahoo.com (T Berk)
- Date: Mon Oct 24 13:47:43 2005
- In-reply-to: <4359DC51.7030706@validpath.com>
--- Jeff Toomasson <area53@validpath.com> wrote:
> You know the scenario. You pour hours and hours into
> a project - be it a
> swap, a resto, both - and a good portion of those
> times, it just doesn't work out on the first try.
> Possibly because you're a dumbass, possibly not.
> In my case, it was both.
Hah. Been there, still there. :])
> Came home today, went out and tested the fuel spray
> just to make sure and rotated the distro a little.
> Turned the key and I finally got a pop!
> I was rejuvenated! Many more trials netted a
> decently running setup, but it won't idle (and I
> have no timing light). The hall sender plug is
> virtually pinned to the transaxle side of the
> engine block though (any ideas)?
Well, in my case I think it's all the old gas I left
in the tank. I have since washed a gallon or so
thought the lines but I still think it left behind
some 'gunk' that is causing my failure to idle well at
> I'm so glad I was able to get it running.
It's a great feeling.
> Anyway, thanks for listening! :)
> JT
I have found my Timing Light. (WhooHoo!) I am at loose
end these days as I look for a more permanent form of
employment. What that means is (despite my thinly
veiled self-advertising) I am available for busted
knuckle work as you see fit.
I'm w/ Dick Wong on this one; pull the Dist up and
re-seat the shaft (heh heh, spam filters go wild!) and
see if you can align it 'correctly'.
One thing that always bothered my about resetting
timing is the compression stroke vs the exhaust stroke
and TDC, etc, etc. Maybe Cylinder #1 _is_ UP but its a
four cycle motor and OK I'm just babbling now....
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