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[WAY OT] SATA & PATA hard drive compatibility
oh never seen those. I was trying it with the included adapter for my
nf7-s which was not bi-directional, but if you have to buy something to
get sata working on your board might as well get a sata pci raid card
they are chaap like 20 bucks. I got one of these cause needed more hd's
and it works well.
> >
> Don't think it will work. There are converters to go from an sata
> mb to
> a pata hard drive but not the other way. I tried it cause ran out of
> serial connectors, no workie.
> http://www.cooldrives.com/saidecomisat.html
> Just one example that 15 seconds with google found me. A bunch more
> are there too. There was a lot of discussion about this in computer
> geek circles when sata came out, and the converters were out almost
> immediately.