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OT: Whining and Frustrated :)
- Subject: OT: Whining and Frustrated :)
- From: chris.p.bennett at navy.mil (Bennett, Christopher P ET1 MARMC 1230B)
- Date: Wed Nov 30 12:54:27 2005
Definition of frustration in the message below...
I am taking this WAY up my chain of command as I am not satisfied with my results just far. It's pretty plain english.
Timeline of Events
Diagnosed Osteoarthrosis
May 2004 Checked into MARMC (SIMA) from USS Emory S. Land AS-39 on limited duty status.
Nov 2004 Limited Duty Time extended.
March 2005 Surgery, left knee.
July 2005 Med board referral to Physical Evaluation Board in DC.
Aug 2005 PEB found me fit to continue Naval Service. My Doctor strongly disagreed. He recommended that I rebut the findings. First rebuttal was denied. Rebutted findings once more.
15 Sept 2005 2nd Rebuttal submitted with a request for a formal hearing. Request were denied on both. I was faxed this reply on 30 Sept 2005 (time stamp is on the bottom of the sheet.)
Oct 2005 Dr. Carr, my orthopedic specialist decided to try Hyalgon injections. This was a course of three sets of injections. One set per week for three weeks. After the final injection I was required to follow up on 17 Nov 2005, because results are typically seen 3 weeks after last injection, and that was the first appointment in that time frame.
4 Oct 2005 Received first set of Hyalgon injections. Dr. Carr recommended that I make plans for doing something other than the Navy. Wrote Admin Discharge at the bottom of the sheet. This was in response to the PEB finding.
11 Oct 2005 Received 2nd set of Hyalgon injections. Dr. Carr wrote Admin Discharge on my sheet.
18 Oct 2005 Received 3rd and final set of Hyalgon injections. No improvement yet, Dr. Carr and I decided that unless there was a distinct improvement in three weeks, the best thing for me and the Navy was to get separated. Wrote Admin Separation for the third time.
Late Oct 2005 received a call from Chief Todd, and PSD Limdu. Both stated that I was due for orders and that I needed to call and negotiate for orders immediately. I explained that my doctor did not agree that I was fit for full duty, that I was being treated still and I was ordered to complete a sea duty screening and negotiate for orders.
31 OCT 2005 Went to sea duty screening and was found unsuitable for shipboard assignment. Also called ET detailer explained that I was found unsuitable and that I had been directed to negotiate for orders, and that there was a possibility that my doctor could see improvement and that I would be re-screened for sea duty. ET detailer agreed that orders could be canceled if necessary. I accepted orders to USS George Washington.
ALSO reported to Limdu and Chief Todd as ordered and reported that I was unsuitable for shipboard duty.
At this time I was given a Page 13, directing me to correct the deficiency in 15 days, however Chief Todd allowed me until the 17th the date of my follow up appointment with Dr. Carr. If I was not suitable for sea duty on the 17th, I would be administratively discharged. During this visit with LIMDU IT2 Jackson said that a unsuitability message would be released in the next day or so. This didn't seem right to me. I spoke to LN2 Steele who called LIMDU and explained that this message could not be sent until I was in violation of the Page 13 on the 17th of November.
2 Nov 2005 LIMDU sent an official Naval Message to Washington stating that I was unsuitable for Sea Duty, and that my specialist had found me Fit for Full Duty. Despite direction from Legal on the contrary. My orthopedic specialist had NOT found me fit for full duty. As stated above he was very much against me staying in, in fact.
17 Nov 2005 Dr. Carr saw no improvement with my knees, recommended Admin Discharge and wrote specifically NOT FIT FOR FULL DUTY.
18 Nov 2005 Turned medical paperwork into LIMDU. LIMDU told me unsuitability message had already been sent and I shouldn't worry about it. Accuracy of the message was NOT important only that it said unsuitable. LIMDU and Legal Dept both said that I would probably be separated by 01 Jan 2006. I did not find the accuracy statement professional or acceptable. However I began making plans for my life after the Navy, began attending job interviews, but I am unable to continue with the uncertainty of the situation.
28 Nov 2005 Went to LIMDU asked respectfully to talk to Chief Todd, explained the situation as above. 30-45 minutes later he told me that my doctor only told me this because I was "bugging him and he wanted me to go away" and also that "he could read between the lines and that I only wanted to get out of the Navy."
29 Nov 2005 Brought the entire situation to the attention of IT Dept Chain of Command. I did not find the wait and see answer acceptable. Asked to go back to Legal Dept.
30 Nov 2005 Legal Dept recommended requesting to see MARMC CMC. Request has been submitted.