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[Fwd: Re: for sale 1979 volkswagen scirocco (san jose north)]
Tonee Northam wrote:
> Nate, Got Baby?
Nope, not yet. They were going to induce her due to elevated blood
pressure, but they watched her all night on Monday, and decided that she
and the baby are fine, and that inducing would cause more harm than
good. So, barring any complications, nature will take its course, and
one of these days we'll have a little one! Her due date is on Friday,
but it's not uncommon for first time moms to be a week late without any
I'll be sure to keep you up to date!
Scirocco contest: Put on my teardrop certer caps, took off the trailer
hitch, and put a set screw in the rear view mirror today! Not much
progress (haven't had time to try the candle trick on the oxysensor yet,
with spending the night in the hospital and all), but progress none the