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OT: ETest/ A2s are good for something

Okay, so I wasted my whole morning failing the ETest with the cabby, CO
high (rich), NOX high (lean), HCs okay, so neither excessively rich or
lean. It needs a cat, which I expected would be the case, but I hear these
myths of cars passing without. Not my cars.

So I was directed to the latest proposed changes in the rules, and 87 and
older are exempt soon, for good. This drops one troublesome one from the
list (the 16V, here come the lumpy cams, gross polluting, all that
stuff...), and one diesel, which is just a cash grab. So that's good, but
not a change.
The bad news is that for cars over 12, and newer than 1987, there's a
proposal to test them annually, forever. At tougher standards. That
includes my two 88s, which could put me at six etests next year (if they
all pass without a retest), and four forever. I'll start in August for my
late Novemeber birthday I guess. (Seriously). I'm really stressed out about
it. The logistics of getting them in for the test are daunting.

SO after kicking the cabby, I decided to help out the son and we yanked two
A2 dashes side by side, to replace his heater core. I can't explain the
theraputic value of a parts car. It was another 88. No need for more of
that shit in my life. 

That was my day. The hassle/expense:fun ratio wasn't even close to
favourable today.
