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a day of small things

On 10:23:58 pm 11/12/05 Greg Pallett <greg.rocco@gmail.com> wrote:
> Lets see, in no particular order). raked the front yard. put away the
> deck furniture, which means hanging upside down from the garage roof
> adirondack chairs. Loaded stuff into the loft above the garage to
> make it car-ready, started to leaf-vaccum the front yard (so I could
> wash my car and not get spray all over the cars in the driveway) but
> broke the gas line on the leaf blower *ggrr* did 3 loads of laundry,
> cleaned the bathroom (including getting lime buildup from inside the
> shower)... Made one trip to the hardware store for a screwdriver,
> (the car project is most important, forget the blower or big paper
> lawn&leaf bags...)  Scirocco content: Swapped out amber turn signals
> for clear, think I like them. While I was in there replaced 2
> adjusters for low beam light, it was pointing ashamedly toward the
> ground. Took the drivers seat out and cleaned years of grime and
> grease off the seat tracks and adjuster thingie pin in the center
> track, installed new bushing for center seat slider, greased it all
> up and back in it went. Now I can corner and not have the front of my
> seat shift that fraction of an inch. Thought about stepping out and
> getting a multi-meter and trying to chase down electrical strangeness
> (see previous email: Lets talk about volts), but oh yeah - My
> brother, his pregnant wife and the 2.5 yera old neice came over to
> have lunch and dinner with Grandpa and Uncle, in town visiting.
>  So is that enough for one saturday? At least there's some worthy
> Scirocco content in there!
>  Greg
Well, there you go, sounds like a good Saturday to me. (and seat bushings,
one of life's small pleasures, I need some too) 
Mine? Spent till about 10 trying to decide how bad my cold really was, and
bugged you guys online. Out to the Wind Tunnel, jacked up the bug and
finally finished installing the skid plate. (it was a typical project for
me, lots of screw ups, none of them serious, just time killers) Put it back
down, battery's too low to start it. (been sitting three weeks) Install new
fuel filter on Cabby, help the kid's buddy load up dead truck parts he'd
stored here, discussed new driveway/storage area for dead VWs, since he has
a BACKHOE!!! (feed the disease....). Spend half an hour boxing up crap from
the daughter's (Cabby) back seat to access transfer pump, remove pump and
clean its screen (nothing in it), reinstall. Take bug for test drive,
inflate her snows properly,  I'd missed her a lot more than I thought.
Evaluate the truck's exhaust for pending ETest appointment, abort that
mission, needs work to pass. :(
The next of Adam's friends calls, he'd loaned a tire and we returned the
wrong one, he was coming out to find his. Fine. (Adam's in North Bay) Look
at nine different candidate four bolt VWs sitting on tires, go over each,
tire by tire (36 tires, all wrong), then about ten more in my garage, dig
into buildings, and figure out which of Adam's Bunny tires to steal,
obviously the one with tread, that isn't backed into a corner, and only has
two lugs on it....swap that over. Shuffle cars to get Cabby into Gino's old
spot, so it can have some down time without blocking anything in. Nephew
comes over, followed by my brother, discussion of a parts Cabby in a local
yard, removal of some bumper clips from a Jetta for the nephew, finally
unearth the 16Vs factory parkbenches and get them into the  rafters, and
stop to eat something. Back out to wax and put away the bug's summer rims,
clean up the WT for tomorrow's projects. Or I guess now it's today's, isn't

I did pat the roccs as I passed them, and they may get some minor tech
procedures today (Sunday), but it's ETests that dominate my life, I hate
them, and the cars always know that and have some issue right before them
that adds to the nonsense. Not to mention that salt is not unheard of in
November, and many of them are kept salt free. 7 plates to renew, 3 ETests
each fall. In two years I should be down to only two diesels to get tested,
if they don't switch the twenty year rule. And they're talking about doing
just that. Sigh.

Anyway, anyone else get a lot of small stuff done? Today should be more
small jobs. Fun wow. 