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bing-bing -- possible Mk1 instead...
On 11:55:11 pm 11/01/05 Blake Irvin <blake@clockserver.homeip.net> wrote:
> yeah - so what is the best remedy/replacement for a sh*tty scirocco
> dash?
Several options. Dash covers are easiest/cheapest. The rug type deals.
I "bling encrusted" the dash in my MkI (mega tacky, but hey, there were
canyons in it). It's a protest against German sedateness, and Klaus (my
79)is a child of the 70s anyway. Goes with the leopard seat covers (which
hide the comfy red S seats, they clash with the green paint)
That will be replaced with a really nice dash I was lucky enough to snag.
It'll go in when the windshield is replaced, and the car gets painted, the
leather gets done, etc. There are a few nice dashes out there, just not so
So a dash mat is probably the most realistic treatment.
Also, be aware (if you aren't), window seals are expensive to replace in
these cars (if you can locate them), and if they are bad, leaks may cause a
variety of electrical issues in the fuse box below. So check those.