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DIY alignments?

We're you anticipating me???
I don't think my approach is jury rigged since none of my cars has seen a 
"professional" alignment shop since 1986.
A digital level or a regular level and an adjustable triangle are more than 
accurate enough for camber if you have a level surface (or level pads) to 
set your car on.
As far as toe, which is far more critical to tire wear than camber, that can 
be adjusted using parallel strings set up around the car.
It takes time (less if you have some dedicated items) and you need to pay 
attention for it to be accurate, but it's an approach used by many racers. 
My tires have always had even wear across the tread using this method.
As part of our GTG/tech day today we will be doing this alignment method on 
Chris Bennet's car. We'll take pictures and post so y'all can see how simple 
it is.
I guess it's worth pointing out that if you don't have a level surface or 
can't create one with 4 pads that are leveled, then this approach is not 
That's just MY opinion ;^)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Julie Macfarlane" <juliemac57@hotmail.com>
To: <doubt@inwave.com>; <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 8:02 AM
Subject: RE: DIY alignments?

> Tape and level will get you to the shop. Tires are WAY to expencive to 
> ruin by jury rigged adjustment.
> Thats my opinion anyway. SOME one on the list will disagree  :)
> Julie Macfarlane
> "Its not just a car! Its an adventure!"
> 1981 MKI 2L 16v w 2Y
> Amsterdam NY
>>From: Nate Mellom <doubt@inwave.com>
>>To: Scirocco list <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>>Subject: DIY alignments?
>>Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 01:09:25 -0500
>>I need to replace my steering rack, and when I installed my replacement 
>>struts a couple years ago I did a very rudimentary alignment, such as 
>>"Yep, that looks good!".  Turns out it wasn't good, my passenger front 
>>tire is almost bald on the outside 'cause of too much positive camber. 
>>When I do the rack, should I spend the bucks to get an alignment at a 
>>shop, or can I use a level and tape measure to get it done in my driveway?
>>Tips? Tricks? BTDTs?
>>Scirocco-l mailing list
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