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Vortex Cincy post....
Dude why are you harshing on the MK4 guys, just go back under the rock you
crawled under from with your old crusty slow what is that skiroco thing you
call a dub
On 5/17/05, Neptuno <neptunonc@yahoo.com> wrote:
> (stream of consiousness)
> Nah man what are you talking about...I was like man Lets burn some rubber
> in the parking lot at the f&f style gansta! and then find some dub chicks
> and wrap the jimmy with some rubbbers and then get chased by the police (but
> we did not do jack yo) cause we are better than the ricers and if we dont
> land in jail then we get trashed with so much beer or liquor or weed that we
> do end up in jail where the cops we'll hit us with rubber mallets and such
> cause we destroyed the freeking room we where at.......Man good times man
> (end stream)
> Jim Ruffi <sciroccos@earthlink.net> wrote:
> That was just a Fight Club joke/quote, it seems.
> I was just telling Tony that I feel a weird protective feeling about
> Cincy,
> which of course I have no right to, as I've never been there, but the org
> people seem a bit more mature and tight knit and I like that.
> I could never get with the posturing and stupidity that goes with, say,
> Waterfest.
> (No offense meant to all of the cool people that go)
> I just want to hang out and look at some Sciroccos, eat some food, drink a
> bit and hang out some more.
> Jim
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Daun Yeagley [mailto:vwdaun@yahoo.com]
> >Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:14 PM
> >To: Jim Ruffi; Scirocco-L
> >Subject: Re: Vortex Cincy post....
> >
> >
> >
> >--- Jim Ruffi wrote:
> >> http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=1994656
> >
> >Trash talking little sh*t. Was that not Dan Snow that
> >posted from Tampa, who actually DOES show up year after
> >year?
> >
> >It's a scirocco.org <http://scirocco.org> event. I don't post to the
> Vortex
> >because there's a lot of childish b.s. that goes on there.
> >Cincy used to be open to anyone with a Scirocco (and
> >technically still is) but it's not publicly advertised
> >because I don't want things to get out of control. It's
> >fine if Pete / Africanwind wants to show up, that's fine,
> >but attitude will not be tolerated.
> >
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