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Re: Cincy Caravan from the midwest

slash2@mindspring.com said:
Well seeing as Eric and Katy are taking the easy way out to cincy(wusses),
I hope there are other folks making the trek to cincy from the west.

I'm in St, Louis as most of you should know, and St. Louis makes a great
stopping point for the tired drivers.  The other nice thing is I'm only 8
hrs. from Daun's doorstep.
Yep, and Scott is a very hospitable host! (and his parents rock!  His Dad
has some quite good stories).

So if anybody wants to have a place to crash for the night,  Give me a

(314) 258-2871

Scott Rose
'88 "red" 16v
'93 black 240sx


Eric, you'll be missing out on Michelle's and I's new pad.  Yes I typed
that right, by cincy I'll be moved in with Michelle.
Nice!  Congrats!  We'll be chilling in Daun's parents driveway waiting for
you guys to roll in.

PS - Did you go look at that 75 Rocco thats on ebay? (its in St Louis).



1981 Scirocco S (TDI swap project)
1988 Audi 90 Quattro
1990 Corrado TDI
1991 Cabriolet (2.0 crossflow 8v project)

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