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Re: 2.0L ABA

Stepped on your toes a little bit?
Course it seems like some other people stomp on your toes some!!

I'll ask him.

Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: 2.0L ABA

Now who In the worl would you be referring too? I mean really? Who the F**k would keep an Scirocco automatic..... 0-60 in 14.4 sec (thank you Daun)
So what did he want for it? Just wondering...only out of curosity...... :^)

El Tony

Dan Bubb <jdbubb@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
Hey guys,
My nephew has a 2.0 ABA.
It is an OBD 1 engine so has dual valve springs. It also has a 268 cam.
About 65 K total miles.
We swapped it into his A2 Jetta with Megasquirt a year or two ago and it was suprisingly strong. Did
not burn any oil.
Unfortunately, he rear ended another car and his car was scrapped. The engine was pulled and has
been sitting ever since.
Anybody interested?
I'm located in Maryland.
It'd be a great upgrade for those automatic equiped Sciroccos ;^) hint, hint!

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